Monday, January 21, 2008

Save the date...

I have discovered a new TV show that you must watch! My Big Fat Redneck Wedding on CMT is a wonderful look into the wedding preparations for some interesting folk. It has inspired Alice and myself to think about renewing our wedding vows on the farm. Picture it now...we both ride in on horseback(I'm wearing a camo tuxedo and Alice has on chaps and 10 gallon cowboy hat), Doug is the ring bearer (riding on a pig, of course) and all of our guests fire a shotgun into the air to signal the start of the ceremony. The possibilities are quite endless, really. Feel free to send me any suggestions. We were thinking of our 10th anniversary which is still 5 years away. That should be enough time to prepare.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Stay Tuned...

The new look is almost done and the new content is coming......I wish I could create some mystery video footage like Y2J....