Saturday, May 27, 2006

The Month of May

I just realized that May is coming to a close and I haven't posted a Blog. When I started this Blog I truly intended to post a new entry weekly. Somehow that hasn't happened. So I guess I need to come up with something interesting to say for this month. I'm kinda stuck. It was a pretty good month. Nothing really stood out as being Blog worthy. Work has been a pain but I really don't want to write about that. We got a new chest freezer this month. Now we can store up mass quantities of frozen vegetables. I am really looking forward to the end of school. The summer is setting up to be awesome. We will be heading out for a 9 day trek to Michigan as soon as it starts. Then I teach summer school for about 5 weeks. We go to Philadelphia for a few days. I work at the Dutchess County Fair for a week and then we spend the last week in Vermont. Hopefully we'll be getting a bassett hound puppy this summer as well. I think I will be pretty busy. It should be fun. Hopefully some Blog worthy events will occur.