Friday, March 16, 2007

I'm Not Really That Old...Am I?

In my classroom the other day we had a discussion about remote controls. I forget how the topic came up but I mentioned how when I was a 3rd grader "I" was the remote control. I remember sitting in front of the TV and changing the channel and volume to my parents delight. Of course, we only had channels 2 through 13 so there wasn't much choice. This brief comment lead to a discussion on technology and I got to thinking about how many things my son Douglas will have that weren't around when I was a boy. It is truly amazing. We did have the color TV, however, the only way to see a recent movie was to watch it on HBO. If you had HBO. It was a little pricey and the only movie station. Our kitchen had no microwave, popcorn was made in a pan with actual oil. All condiments came in glass jars, no squeezing! As far as music goes I lived with my record player and would go to Caldors every Friday to pick up the latest song on 45. I was so excited when in 1980 I got a cassette recorder. I would hold it up to the TV to record theme songs. We did have an 8-track player in the car! Oh yeah....who needs satellite radio and an I-pod when you have Barry Manilow Live on 8-track! There were no airbags, heck, we didn't even have shoulder belts. Power windows and door locks....nope. I won't even discuss computers and video games except to mention that Pac Man RULED and I just loved to type my name on the TV screen with my Commodor Vic-20!
I think about how much I enjoy all of the current technology, even though I am a bit behind with it. I have yet to upgrade to HD TV, my TV isn't a flat panel and my games systems aren't any of the new ones. I love having an I-pod and my cell phone and XM radio and a laptop. I just wonder what Doug will have in about 20 or 30 years. Will all of these things I just mentioned seem as old as 8-tracks and Vic-20's? It should be exciting.
Now for a thought to ponder....."To me, clowns aren't funny. In fact, they're kinda scary. I've wondered where this started, and I think it goes back to the time I went to the circus and a clown killed my dad." -Jack Handey


CMA said...

Dammit...I wanted to kill your dad. And now I hear that a clown beat me to day is shot, thanks so much jerk!

45's are those black CD's, right....?

Chimæra Workshop said...

It really is odd how much technology is changing. You are living in Rip Van Winkle's back yard, and that was about how much technology changed in 100 years, yet alone the last 25. The scariest part is- America isn't always getting the newest toys anymore- that honor is usually going to Japan and Korea.. Their reaction to the I-phone was *Yawn*. They have had similar technology for nearly two years.

Are your kids scared yet about how fast things are changing?

Should they be?