Back in the late 1970's my cousin Tom was supposed to get "Milky" as a Christmas Present from our grandparents. Luckily for him, I discovered the cow in the closet and proceeded to open the box. Needless to say, "Milky" didn't survive. I convinced my cousins that the toys in the closet were for us to play with. Milky was quite an invention. She actual would moo and lower her head into the water trough. If you mixed water with the milk tablets you could actually "milk" the cow. We couldn't get it to work and I'm not sure what my grandparents did with it, but I have never lived it down. I recently discovered that these cows are still available (on E-bay of course). They sell for around $100 in various conditions. I keep checking back and hoping I'll be able to get one. I couldn't picture spending more that $50. I vow to give my cousin a "Milky the Cow" and watch him milk it with joy. So do me a favor....take a look in your attic or check a relatives basement and let me know if you find one!
Ahhh Milky! Seems like she's always been a part of the family. Haven't heard that name in a while. Haha
Oh. So, it actually lowered it's head and drank the water! Too bad I never got to try it! I want you to know (you cruel cousin) that this is the very first time I have even gazed upon my long lost childhood toy!!! That's right...I have never even seen my poor Milky until today!!! You will never live this down...and I don't think $100 is too much to ask to finally fill this horrible void I've had in my life!!!! All I want is to spend one milking, mooing day with my beloved Milky!!! -Cousin Tom
Cousin Tom, I can relate. My mom returned mine before Christmas. It has indeed left a horrible aching void. I'm thinking of starting an online support group since you're the third person I've found online suffering from Milky The Cow Deprivation Disorder (MTCDD).
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