A bowl of cereal has to be one of the most versatile meals. It's great for breakfast, lunch, dinner or a snack. As Jerry Seinfeld says the milk at the bottom of the bowl is "the nectar of the Gods". There are so many wonderful varieties that you always have a new flavor to discover. Aside from Grapenuts (which I have to believe are a cruel trick to make people eat actual bits of rock) I haven't met a bowl I didn't like. I recently discovered that I share my birthday (February 26) with Dr. James Kellogg the inventor of the Corn Flake. He was born in the 1800's (a couple of years before me). I have to believe there is some connection between us. This coming June Alice, Doug and I will be heading on vacation to Kalamazoo, Michigan. We are heading to visit our good friend Corey and while we are there we plan to visit the Kelloggs factory. There is also a chance we might get to go to "Cereality" in Chicago. If you have never heard of "Cereality" take a moment to check it out. www.cereality.com
So, in honor of Dr. Kellogg, have a bowl or two of your favorite cereal this Sunday. You know I will.
Friday, February 24, 2006
Monday, February 20, 2006
Milky the Marvelous Milking Cow

Back in the late 1970's my cousin Tom was supposed to get "Milky" as a Christmas Present from our grandparents. Luckily for him, I discovered the cow in the closet and proceeded to open the box. Needless to say, "Milky" didn't survive. I convinced my cousins that the toys in the closet were for us to play with. Milky was quite an invention. She actual would moo and lower her head into the water trough. If you mixed water with the milk tablets you could actually "milk" the cow. We couldn't get it to work and I'm not sure what my grandparents did with it, but I have never lived it down. I recently discovered that these cows are still available (on E-bay of course). They sell for around $100 in various conditions. I keep checking back and hoping I'll be able to get one. I couldn't picture spending more that $50. I vow to give my cousin a "Milky the Cow" and watch him milk it with joy. So do me a favor....take a look in your attic or check a relatives basement and let me know if you find one!
Celebration Time
Happy President's Day! I'm sure most of you are in the middle of your traditional President's Day activities (going to the mailbox and remembering there's no mail) or perhaps in honor of President Lincoln bringing an end to slavery you are purchasing some new shoes. I am here to suggest a new twist to your usual celebration. How about, in honor of President Warren G. Harding you attend a meeting of the KKK (he was a member) or to honor President Andrew Jackson you could challenge your neighbor to a duel (just like in those wild west movies, DRAW!) Okay so maybe these ideas aren't the best, so let's just celebrate the memory of President Howard Taft and eat so much that we actually get stuck in our own bathtub! Whichever activity you choose, have a spledid time!
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Stop...Hammer Time
I realize that I am now officially addicted to curling. I don't know what I am going to do next week when the Olympics are over. Although the US Women's team is out of it, the men are looking like they might get a medal. I find myself using the Tivo if I have to step away from the matches for just a moment and I am really enjoying the phrase "The US has the hammer". For all of you non-curlists the "hammer" is when your team has the last "rock" to throw. It gives the team the advantage for the round. My head is now full of all this information. Aside from the Olympics I'm not sure when or where I can watch curling. I suppose there might be some illegal late night underground league somewhere if I search. Anyone out there interested in starting a team?
Friday, February 17, 2006
Maximum Overdrive

I have never been one to understand machinery. Power tools and devices with engines are not something I am confident with. Last weekend this created the first repair I will need to do to our house. (We have only been here 1 month.) At the end of the snowstorm on 2/12 I ventured outside to fire up our new snowblower (thank you Earl). For those of you who have never used a snowblower (which was me a week ago), there are two levers, one on each handle. The right lever engages the actual snow blowing part of the machine. The left one engages the power drive to the wheels. As I was clearing the small path behind the house I wanted to stop the snowblower, however, I did not release the correct handle. The snowblower drove under the house smashing through the "fake brick" siding that goes all around the house. You can see in the picture that I have sort of pieced it back together for the time being. I am really hoping that I have better luck next week when I use the new chainsaw!
Thursday, February 16, 2006
The Gift of a Broom
Here goes......Thanks to Corey for inspiring me to be a copycat and start a blog. I pondered over the idea for days wondering what on earth I would write about. I guess I decided that I have a few interesting personal tales and random thoughts that someone might find interesting.
So............the first musing I would like to put out there has to do with the Winter Olympics. I have always been a fan, I can remember watching the bobsled events during the 1980 Lake Placid Olympics. This year I have taken an interest in the curling. I have tried to get Alice (my wife for those of you who don't already know) interested and I think I am making progress. Anyway, it dawned upon me that the only acceptable time to give a woman a broom as a holiday gift (birthday, Christmas, etc.) is if she is a curler. Any other time and the broom will probably become a weapon.
Thanks for taking the time to read my blog. Comment if you chose, I won't be offended if you don't.
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