Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Shufflin' Along

I recently read a magazine article where celebrities were asked to put their I-Pods on shuffle and tell something about the first 3 songs that came on. This sounded like fun so I thought I'd give it a try. I am a bit nervous about what might come up, but here goes:
1. Divertimento No. 17 by Mozart (Wow! I don't think I've ever played this and I don't recall putting Mozart on here)
2. Angel of Harlem by U2 (A cool song, not my favorite of theirs. I really enjoy "One" and the entire How to Dismantle and Atomic Bomb album. We saw that tour and it was awesome!)
3. Hyde by Savatage (Again, a song I have never heard before. Alice's friend Jessie is a huge Savatage fan and let me burn all of their Cd's. I have some favorite tunes "Hall of the Mountain King" but "Hyde" is unfamiliar.
Okay...I'm are the next few songs..
4. Think About an End by Anthrax
5. The Black Halo by Kamelot
6. Once Upon a Dream on the Jekyll & Hyde soundtrack
7. Me & Julio Down by the School Yard by Me First and the Gimmee Gimmees
8. Your Horoscope for Today by Weird Al Yankovic
9. City of Blinding Lights by U2
10. The Biggest Ball of Twine in Minnesota by Weird Al Yankovic

There you have it. Not bad. You should give this a try and let me know what you got. Feel free to post it here.
Now for my thought to ponder:
"It's not good to let any kid near a container that has a skull and crossbones on it, because there might be a skeleton costume inside and the kid could put it on and really scare you."-Jack Handy

Monday, February 19, 2007

Reinventing the BLOG!

A warm welcome to my new readers and welcome back to those who have been waiting patiently for me to do something with my blog. I decided it was time to redesign things and invite some new readers. Take a moment to read some of my entries from last year. I'm sure you'll find something amusing.
I have decided to add a new blog entry on a weekly basis. Yes, I am going to do this. I have a list of things I have been wanting to blog about for a while now. I am hoping to get all of you involved. Please take a moment and leave a comment when stop by to visit. I will try to include some thoughts to ponder in my blog that you can respond to.
The year 2007 is off to a great start for the family. Douglas is getting ready to turn 2 and keeps us on our toes. He is such a happy little man, his smile is contagious! Alice is doing well. She has been taking a fencing course and has yet to injure me with her foil! Joslin is preparing to be spayed. She was scheduled to have this done 2 weeks ago but she went into heat a few days before. I won't go into what occurred, just be glad you weren't here. She will now go in at the end of March. I am doing well also. I have been eating better and exercising more. I have lost 17 pounds since New Year's and I feel great. I am getting excited about baseball season. I just signed up for a fantasy baseball league and can't wait for April.
I have been doing some work learning about podcasting. I am hoping to have a podcast up and running in my classroom sometime in April. Perhaps I will find a way to add a podcast to my blog. For those of you interested in an interesting podcast check out my link for Grammar Girl. You can go directly to her site or listen at i-tunes. I have to admit I feel a little bit like a geek but grammar is quite interesting. Her blog about lay and lie is priceless. Enjoy!
I'll be posting again in a few days. Until then here is a thought to ponder:
"The face of a child can say it all, especially the mouth part of the face."-Jack Handey